In most cases, you’ll find investing being referenced to profit generation. However, it doesn’t have to be all about profits. As concerns continue to grow about the sustainability…

Gustav Cruz Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering Dec 9, 2022 97 Views Adding solar panels to your existing system is a relatively straightforward process. However, it still requires…

Raising your children in an eco-friendly household can help to teach them about the world around them and how their actions can have an effect on it. Whether…

Here’s a tidbit about the oil and gas industry that isn’t very well known: Oil wells are rarely plugged when the owners or operators are finished with them. …

Every gift-giver knows the excitement of finding the perfect gift for someone who is hard to shop for and seeing the joy on the recipient’s face when opening…

EIA and IEA are out with projections for emissions and fossil fuel consumption. And they don’t look good.  On our current policy trajectory, there is no peak in…